"toxic"Okay so today's episode of smallville, i've got to say, is better than last week's. Once again Clark's jealousy of other people with powers (Chloe's ability interpret information) has a

nnoyed me. The first half of the episode consisted of Clark, Chloe and Lois trying to figure out what Oliver is dying of ( a flower..). The second part, had Clark do one of his infamous 2 second fight scene, or sorry 'fight scene'. Clearly the show more concerned with the dram than the action, which is okay in show like Heroes. But in a comic book adaption, like Superman, you kinda expect some real action once in a while. Smallville is one of those shows that will really raise the bar, and once you truly believe this show will only get better, it takes that bar and not only do they drop it, but they shove it up your ass. Nevertheless, the show isn't all bad, they have some good stuff like..clark looked cool as bizzaro..? alright so this weeks smallville gets a 7.8 in my books!
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